北海道札幌市中央区北2条東1丁目2-3 パラダイスビル1・2F
The after party of the official party will be held at a nearby restaurant.
We are looking forward to talking more in a relaxed environment.
* Reception
The reception will be at the main event, which is the same as for the official party.
* Payment
The fee must be paid in advance.
Please let us know if you have any trouble in purchasing via Paypal.
* About restaurant
We have reserved a restaurant that is a Japanese take on American dining.
There will be various beverages available, including “Sapporo Classic Beer”.
Sapporo Ruby Kaigi is one local chapter of Ruby Kaigi, which is an international conference, which has been held from 2008. It is dedicated to the Ruby programing language Ruby. Despite the confer...
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